The human being ... an animal. Which knows ... or does not know ... to hide that fact … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

I believe you can clearly understand who is an individual ... only in certain conditions.

And ... i've felt offended many times ... by lots of people.

... in many circumstances.

Today ... i smile remembering it.

I simply realise that I don't know what a human being is.

And ... even if i saw my own weird behaviour ... i can't accept the fact that the human being acts as an animal in .... certain conditions.

Actually ... i've acted like an animal many times.

I've screamed.

I've broken things.

I said to certain people ... "I will kill you."

And ... many, many other stupid things.

... done repeatedly.

But ironically ... i really dislike seeing the others acting like animals ... in front of me.

I find it ... ridiculous.


Really toxic ... for my existence.


Unfortunately ... i had the unfair chance to see lots of episodes like that.

Nobody cared ... that i hated it.

It is almost ... like part of normal life ... and all i must do is to actually accept the animal side from the human being.

Same ... as i've accepted that i have such an ugly side too.

I ... try to hide ... i am an animal.

I try ... succeeding and not succeeding it.

And ... i have moments when i whispers to the others ... "Stop being ... an animal.

I had enough of seeing that."

But ... i'm not heard.

No ...

So ... life continues.

Into a beautiful ... or an ugly way.

Seeing the beautiful... and the ugly side of the people from the stage of my life.

But also ... of my own life.



Download the book ”Beyond the boundaries ... of the human beingwritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.



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